
15 Hadiths Regarding Fasting

15 Hadiths Regarding Fasting

1) Holy Prophet has said, ‘(Fast; you will get healthy).’

» Durr-ul-Mansoor 440/1

 Compensation for previous sins :

2) Sayyiduna Abu Sa’id Khudri has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet has said: ‘If anyone fasts in Ramadan realising its limits and avoiding what should be avoided, this will compensate for all his previous sins.’

» Sahih Ibne Hibban 183/5 # 3424

Emerging from Sins :

3) Abdur-Rahman bin ‘Awf has narrated that the Holy Prophet has said: ‘Whoever fasts in Ramadan and spends its nights in prayer (Qiyam) out of faith and in the hope of reward, he will emerge from his sins as on the day his mother bore him.’

» Sunan Nasai 308/1 # 2208

Two glad tidings for the man who fasts :

4) Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Holy Prophet stated, ‘There are two glad tidings for the man who fasts; one at the time of sunset and the other when he meets his Rab.’

» Sahih Bukhari 255/1 # 1805

Reward for fast:

5) Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Beloved and Blessed Prophet has said: ‘For every act of piety, man is rewarded ten to seven hundred times more.’ Allah said : ‘except fasting, because fasting is for Me and I will give its reward Myself.’

» Sunan Ibne Majah 119 # 1638

 Fasting is a shield against the Hell fire:

6) Uthman bin Abi Al’As has narrated that the Beloved Prophet has said: ‘Fasting is a shield against the Hell fire, same like the shield of any one of you in battle.’

» Sunan Nasai 311/1 # 2230


 Fragrance of musk :

7) Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Holy Prophet has said : ‘Allah likes the smell emanating from a fasting person’s mouth more than the fragrance of musk.’

» Sahih Muslim # 1151

 Heavenly portal :

8) Sayyiduna Sahl Bin ‘Abdullah has narrated that the Blessed Rasul has said: ‘There is a portal in Heaven called Rayyan. On the Day of Judgement, this portal will be opened for those who fast (in the world); no one else will be allowed to enter through this portal. It will be announced, ‘Where are the people who used to fast?’ They will stand up and no one else will be allowed to enter through this portal. It will be closed after they enter the Heaven.’

» Sahih Bukhari 255/1 # 1805

 Zakah of body:

9) Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Holy Prophet has said: ‘There is Zakah (charity) for everything, and the Zakah of your body is fasting, and fasting is half of patience.’

» Sunan Ibne Majah 347/2 # 1745

Even sleeping is worship :

10) Sayyiduna ‘Abdullah Bin Abi Aufa has narrated that the Beloved Prophet has said: ‘The sleeping of a fasting person is worship, his silence is Tasbi, his prayers are answered and his deeds are accepted.’

 » Shob ul Imaan 415/3 # 3938

Far from Hell :

11) Sayyiduna Abu Sa’id Khudri has narrated that the Noble Rasul has said: ‘If any one fasts for a day in Allah’s way, Allah will move his face as far away from Hell as is the distance of seventy years.’

   » Sahih Bukhari 265/2 # 2840

Loss of missing one fast :

12) Sayyiduna Abu Hurairah has narrated that the Holy Prophet has said: ‘Anyone who misses one fast in Ramadan without a valid reason or without illness cannot make up for it even if he fasts for the rest of his life.’

 » Sahih Bukhari 638/1 # 1934

unfortunate people :

13) Sayyiduna Jabir Bin ‘Abdullah has narrated that the Nobel Prophet has said: ‘The one who finds Ramadan but does not fast is unfortunate.’

  » Majmua-uz-Zawayid 340/3 # 4773

Allah does not need anything:

14) Holy Prophet has said, ‘If anyone does not refrain from indecent talking and evil acts (remember) Allah does not need his remaining hungry and thirsty.’

 » Sahih Bukhari 628/1 # 1903

 Holy Prophet has said, ‘Fasting implies abstaining not only from eating and drinking but also from useless and indecent talking.’

 » Mustadrik Al Haakim 67/2 # 1611

 Fast is the door of worship

15) Holy Prophet has said, ‘Fast is the door of worship.’

» Al Jami us Sagheer 146 # 2415


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