Arabic Nasheed Lyrics

Farshy Al-Turab – فرشي التــراب (Lyrics and Translation in English)

Farshy Al-Turab

(Lyrics and Translation in English)

فرشي التراب يضمني وهو غطائي
حولي الرمال تلفني بل من ورائي
واللحد يحكي ظلمة فيها ابتلائي
والنور خط كتابه أنسى لقائي
Farshy Al-Turab yeDumuni wa huwa ghiTaa’i
Howlel rimaalu telufuni bel min waraa’i
Wel-aHadu yeHki Zulmatan fiha-btilaa’i
Wen-noor khata kitabuhu unsi liqaa’i
Dust is my bed, it has embraced me, and it’s my cover now.
The send surround me, even from over and above.
And the grave tells a darkness of my calamity.
And the guidance was elucidated in his book but, I forget my meeting with God’s
والأهل اين حنانهم باعوا وفائي
والصحب اين جموعهم تركوا اخائي
والمال اين هناءه صار ورائي
والاسم اين بريقه بين الثناءِ
Wel-ahlu ayna Hananuhum ba3u wafaa’i
Wes-SaHbu ayna jumu3uhum taraku ikhaa’i
Wel-maalu ayna hanaa’uhu Saara waraa’i
Wel-ismu ayna bariquhu bayn eth-thanaa’i
Where is my family’s love? They sold my loyalty!
And where is my group of friends? They left my brotherhood!
Where is the bliss of money? It’s behind my back now
And my name (reputation) where is it shine between praises
هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ
والحب ودّع شوقه وبكى رثائي
والدمع جف مسيره بعد البكاء
والكون ضاق بوسعه ضاقت فضائي
Hadhi nihayatu Haali farshi -tTurab
Wel-Hubbu wadda3 showqahu wa baka rithaa’i
Wad-dumu3 jafa masiruhu ba3d el-bukaa’i
Wel-kownu Daqa biwus3ihi Daqet faDaa’i
This is my ending. Dust is my bed.
And the Love shuns its pleasure, and my eulogy is wailed.
And the tears dried up after the crying.
And the universe become narrow, and so did my space.
فاللحد صار بجثتي أرضي سمائي
هذي نهاية حالي فرشي الترابِ
والخوف يملأ غربتي والحزن دائي
أرجو الثبات وإنه قسما دوائي
والرب أدعو مخلصا أنت رجائي
أبغي إلهي جنة فيها هنائي
FallaHadu Saara bejuthati aarDi samaa’i
Hadhi nihayatu Haali farshi -tTurab
Wel-khofu yemlaa’u ghurbati wel-Huznu daa’i
Arjuth-thabaatu wa innahu qasamin dawaa’i
Wel-rabba adu3u mukhlisan inta rejaa’i
Abghi ilahi jennatan fiha hanaa’i
And then the grave become my ground and sky.
This is my ending. Dust is my bed.
Fear fills my estrangement, and sadness is my illness.
I hope for steadfastness, and I swear it is my remedy.
And to God’s I pray sincerely, You are my hope.
Allah (God’s) I desire Paradise, to find bliss in.

Read More: Muhammad Nabina (With English Translation)


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