English Islamic QuotesIslamic Quotes
Sufism or Taṣawwuf , variously defined as “Islamic mysticism”, the inward dimension of Islam or the phenomenon of mysticism within Islam, is mysticism in Islam, “characterized [by particular] values, ritual practices, doctrines and institutions” which began very early in Islamic history and represents “the main manifestation and the most important and central crystallization of” mystical practice in Islam. Practitioners of Sufism have been referred to as “Sufis”. Sufi practice focuses on the renunciation of worldly things, purification of the soul and the mystical contemplation of God’s nature. Followers try to get closer to God by seeking spiritual learning known as tariqa.
For good health control your diet, for good soul control your sins, and for good faith send blessing upon Prophet MUHAMMAD (PBUH).
– Imam Ghazali
Learn from Ali (R.A), the sincerity pf actions. The lion of ALLAH is free from deception.
– Rumi
Take every effort of guard you tongue as it is the strongest cause of your destruction in this life and the next.
– Imam Ghazali
The desires of this world are like sea water, the more you drink of them the more you thirst.
– Ibn Arabi
Bring anger and pride under your feet, turn them into a ladder and climb higher.
– Rumi
We make plans, unaware of what is being planned, and what we plan cannot withstand what God Plans.
– Rumi
The sincere Sufi fell poor when he has wealth, is humble when he has power, and is hidden when he has fame.
– Imam Abul Qasim
The death of the heart is ignorance & life of the heart is knowledge.
– Imam Ghazali
The remedy against want is to moderate your desires.
– Sheikh Sa’adi
Let love lead your soul.
– Attar of Nishapur
Seek the spirit, forget the form.
– Bulleh Shah
Patience is the key to happiness.
– Rumi
Only the word “I” divides me from God.
– Yunus Emre
From each, love demands a mystic silence.
– Attar of Nishapur
The true man attaches his heart to none but God.
– Bayazid Bastami
The thing we tell of can never be found by seeking, yet only seekers find it.
– Bayazid Bastami
The lover of God will cry and weep until he finds rest in the Beloved’s embrace.
– Rabia al-Basri
When in the eyes of the beloved riches count not, gold and dust are as one to thee.
– Saadi Shirazi
My friend, the sufi is the friend of the present moment. To say tomorrow is not our way.
– Rumi
The Sea Will be the Sea
Whatever the drop’s philosophy.
– Attar of Nishapur
Sell your cleverness and buy bewilderment; Cleverness is mere opinion, bewilderment intuition.
– Rumi
I am the drop that contains the ocean.
– Yunus Emre
Islamic reminder is to apply in our lives and remind to other
Muslim brothers.