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Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes & Sayings

Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes

Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes


Saladin is the Western name of Salah al-Din Yusuf ibn Ayyub, the Muslim sultan of Egypt and Syria who famously defeated a massive army of Crusaders in the Battle of Hattin and captured the city of Jerusalem in 1187. At the height of his power, he ruled a unified Muslim region stretching from Egypt to Arabia.


 Here is collection of Sultan Salahuddin Ayubi quotes:


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

Where bread becomes more expensive than a laborer’s wages. 

Two things become cheaper. A woman’s honor and a man’s pride


The army without the nation and the nation 

without the army is easy prey for the enemy


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

The traitor must be killed before the enemy


A spy can defeat an entire army of enemies

And a traitor can humiliate his entire nation with defeat.


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

No one can defeat a nation whose youth is awakened


If you want to destroy any nation without war,

make adultery or nudity common in the young generation.” — Saladin quotes


If you want to live like a dignified nation, don’t forget your traditions


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

Every member of the nation is king in his place. 

Do not deprive any person of national dignity


The time will come when the army will also become a group of luxurious soldiers.

And its rulers will play into the hands of the enemy.


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

If you want to see the glory of Islam, learn to recognize friend and foe


The punishment for treason is given to him who cuts the roots of the country a

nd the nation and strengthens the hands of the enemies of religion,

even if the ruler himself is guilty of it, he is a traitor and deserves punishment


I see that the Palestinian territories will always be far from peace!


Top Sultan SalahudDdin Ayubi Quotes | Saladin Quotes

Whether Islam was spread by the force of the sword or not.

But I consider the sword necessary for the protection of Islam!


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