
Ramadan Moon Sighting Dua | Islam Ki Dunya

Ramadan Moon Sighting Dua
Ramadan is the holy month of fasting, prayer, and reflection for Muslims all over the world. It is a time when Muslims strive to connect with Allah through various acts of worship and spiritual reflection. One of the most important aspects of the Ramadan moon sighting is the dua (supplication) that Muslims recite when they see the Ramadan moon. This dua is a way of expressing gratitude to Allah and seeking His blessings and guidance for the coming month.
Dua for Ramadan Moon Sighting | Ramzan Ka Chand Dekhkar Padhne Wali Dua
At the sight of the new moon (of the lunar month), the Prophet (ﷺ) used to supplicate:
اللَّهُمَّ أَهْلِلْهُ عَلَيْنَا بِالْيُمْنِ وَالإِيمَانِ وَالسَّلاَمَةِ وَالإِسْلاَمِ رَبِّي وَرَبُّكَ اللَّهُ
Allahumma ahlilhu `alainā bil-yumni wal-iman, was-salamati wal-Islam, rabbi wa rabbuk Allah
English Translation
O Allah, bring it over us with blessing and faith, and security and Islam. My Lord and your Lord is Allah.
Urdu Translation
اے اللہ! مبارک کر ہمیں یہ چاند، برکت اور ایمان اور سلامتی اور اسلام کے ساتھ، (اے چاند!) میرا اور تمہارا رب اللہ ہے 
Tirmidhi (3451)

May Allah (SWT) accept all our fasts, prayers, and good deeds during the entire month of Ramadan.

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