Islamic Nasheed LyricsMesut Kurtis

Mesut Kurtis – Rouhi Fidak (Lyrics) | مسعود كُرتِس – روحي فداك

Mesut Kurtis – Rouhi Fidak
(Lyrics & Translation in English)
مسعود كُرتِس – روحي فداك
نامت أعيني يومانامت و الحنين نمىراحت تحتوينيرؤياك يا رسول الله
One day in my sleep
In my slumber longing grew
I was enveloped by
Your vision, O Messenger of God!
أحمد يا نور الهدىبي شوق فاق المدىعيني ترجو أن تراكروحي يا حبيبي فداك
Ahmed (the Most Praised), O Light of Guidance!
My yearning transcends all bounds
My eyes hope for the sight of you
My soul, O my beloved, I would sacrifice for you
احمد يا نور الهدىبى شوق فاق المدىعينى ترجو ان تراكروحى يا حبيبى فداك
Ahmed (the Most Praised), O Light of Guidance!
My yearning transcends all bounds
My eyes hope for the sight of you
My soul, O my beloved, I would sacrifice for you
عانق طيفه قلبيذابت في يديه يدينادته عيونيو بهاه لامس القلب
His apparition embraced my heart
My hand melted in his
My eyes called out to him
And his splendor touched my heart
أحمد يا نور الهدىبي شوق فاق المدىعيني ترجو أن تراكروحي يا حبيبي فداك
Ahmed (the Most Praised), O Light of Guidance!
My yearning transcends all bounds
My eyes hope for the sight of you
My soul, O my beloved, I would sacrifice for you
حوضه كوثر و رواءشربة لي دواياإروني يا حبيبييا طبيب البرايا
أنت لي بلسم و شفاء
His pool is quenching and abundant 
One sip like medicine to me
Quench my thirst my beloved!
O Healer of Creation!
You are my balm and cure
أحمد يا نور الهدىبي شوق فاق المدىعيني ترجو أن تراكروحي يا حبيبي فداك

Ahmed (the Most Praised), O Light of Guidance!
My yearning transcends all bounds
My eyes hope for the sight of you
My soul, O my beloved, I would sacrifice for you


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