Islamic Quiz

Islamic Quiz about Quran / Quran Quizzes / Online Q & A

Islamic Quiz about Quran

The Noble Qur’an for the Muslims is the book of Divine guidance and direction for mankind revealed by Allah to His final messenger Prophet Muhammad PBUH.


Test your knowledge of Islam using our interactive online quiz.


Islamic Quiz about Quran / Quran Quizzes / Online Q & A

Islamic Quiz about Quran / Quran Quizzes / Online Q & A

1 / 25

Surah ______ is called Ummul Kitab.

2 / 25

There are ___ stages in Holy Quran.

3 / 25

In ______ and _____f the event of Miraj is explained.

4 / 25

___ Prophets mentioned in Holy Quran.

5 / 25

Subject of Holy Quran is ____ ?

6 / 25

Surah _____ is known as Heart of Quran.

7 / 25

_________ is the number of Ayats.

8 / 25

______ is the surah in which Hajj is commanded.

9 / 25

Namaz commanded in quran for ______ times?

10 / 25

______ verses were reveled in the first wahy.

11 / 25

The shortest Surah in Quran is Surah ____ ?

12 / 25

Longest Surah in Quran is Surah ____?

13 / 25

Madani Surah in Quran are:

14 / 25

Makki Surah in Quran are:

15 / 25

Total number of Surah in Quran?

16 / 25

Which is the best night mentioned in Holy Quran?



17 / 25

The longest verse of the Holy Quran is in which Surah?

18 / 25

Which Surah is on the name of the tribe of Holy Prophet?


19 / 25

Which was the agreement that was titled as ‘Fath-hum-Mubeen’ without fighting a battle?


20 / 25

The Holy Quran was completely revealed in how many years?


21 / 25

In the Qur’an, a companion of Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) is mentioned. Who was he?


22 / 25

 In the Qur’an, there is a mention of a Prophet who has been called by his mother’s name. Who was he?


23 / 25

The first Wahi consisted of?


24 / 25

The Person who memorizes The Holy Quran is known as?


25 / 25

The first revealed Verses of the Quran are the first five verses of which Surah?


The average score is 58%



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