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35+ Powerful Islamic Quotes That Will Make Your Believe Stronger

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Ya Allah make me among those who never miss Salah. Ameen


Respect your parents even if they’re in the wrong.
Shouting and screaming at them won’t achieve anything!
The wisest man is he who can account for his actions.
Take yourself to account before you are taken to account on the day of judgement.

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No matter how far you think you’ve traveled away,

Allah always waiting for your returning.

And remember He is The All-Forgiving, The Loving.


Allah still loves you, even at your darkest moments.
The most useful asset of a person is not a head full of knowledge
but a heart full of love, with ears open to listen & hands willing to help

A relationship with ALLAH is the most important

and sweet relationship you can have in your life!


Remember, If people don’t see your good efforts and kindness,
it’s okay. Allah sees them and that’s enough. So keep going.
Life is full of tests, each and every day you are tested,
sometimes you pass, sometimes you fail, all that matters is that you learn.

.Islamic Instagram Quotes / Captions Islamic Instagram Quotes / Captions | Collection of Facebook Status Quotes

May Allah reunite us with our loved ones in Jannah!


Prayer is priceless. ALLAH’s power has NO limits.
It’s not important to have all the things in the world to be happy.
Find happiness in your connection with Allah rather than material things.

Someone, somewhere, right now is fighting for his or her life.

You still have yours, so be thankful and spend it in the obedience of Allah.


Consider a heartbreak as a blessing from ALLAH.
A way of letting you realize that He saved you from the wrong one.
Be good to people. You will be remembered more for your kindness
than any level of success you could possibly attain.

Islamic Instagram Quotes / Captions

How beautiful is Islam that you can make dua for someone

without them even knowing and in return the angels make dua for you.


Allah has heard your prayer. Be patient,
because HE will answer your prayer at the best appointed time!
Never underestimate our good deeds to another person.

When the time comes. we will be eternally grateful for our good deeds for

it may have saved us from calamities and sufferings in the Hereafter.


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Don’t take Salah as burden. Allah gifted us salah as a relief from burden.


Sometimes ALLAH leaves us with no option but to be stronger. Have faith.
Let’s all try to perform more good deeds because life is all about spreading happiness and doing good.

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Until we realize prayer is the only source of peace, we’ll never get the peace of mind.


Allah has a purpose for our pain, He has a reason for our struggle,
and He has a gift for our faithfulness, So we must never ever give up.
Being Muslim is about changing yourself not changing Islam.


If you’re going through difficult times, don’t give up.

Don’t ever forget all that the Almighty’s done for you, His Promises; the prayers He’s answered.

Keep going with a heart full of faith.


Ya Allah, Forgive me, Have mercy on me, Strengthen me,
Elevate me, Sustain me, Guide me, Pardon me.
The pursuit of happiness begins with salah

Ya Allah forgive me. Ameen


Ya Allah, have mercy on my brothers and sisters in faith
and my brothers and sisters in humanity.
Whatever happens, even when all your plans fail and all doors seem shut,
cry out to the All-Knowing, seek refuge in Him. He’ll find a way out for you. Trust Him.

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Don’t forget to pray for all the brothers and sisters around the world on this blessed Night. 

May Allah grant us all happiness.


May Allah allow us to be grateful for all His favors.
And the disbelievers planned, but Allah planned. And Allah is the best of planners. Quran 3:54

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