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20+ Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH – Islamic Quotes Images

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Tawakkul means to put your trust in Allah. Some  Tawakkul quotes are as follows:

“And rely upon Allah; and sufficient is Allah as Disposer of affairs.” ( Surah Ahzaab:3)

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Never ever leave hope from two things.

Mercy of Allah – Power of Dua

Good things comes to those who waits. Trust ALLAH

Only ALLAH knows what is best for you.

Trust in ALLAH

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Allah knows of your every tear, your every sigh. Never feel no one knows how you feel. The One who created you knows everything.

A strong faith in Allah can take you through the impossible to the possible.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Trust Allah, He is the only one who knows what best for you & wants the best for you. 

Never give up making dua to Allah. It may not happen now, it may not happen next month but it will happen when Allah knows is best for you.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

ALLAH makes everything beautiful in His time. Keep believing. His Plan is always perfect.

There’s no pain Allah doesn’t understand. There’s no struggle Allah doesn’t know.  There’s no cry  Allah ignores.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Don’t hide your sorrows and sadness, because Allah knows every little pain that has been hidden by you.

Sometimes what you want, isn’t what’s best for you. ALLAH is the best of planners, so trust His decision, be patient & say Alhamdulillah.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Sometimes Allah Ta’alah tests us in very hard ways, we need to be strong, to have patience, to make dua, to pray. Hold on to hope and faith.

ALLAH is the best Planner.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Allah, I trust You, and I know that You will direct my steps, so I’m not afraid to step out and find out what You have for me.

The bad news is, life isn’t easy. The good news is, you don’t have to depend on yourself. You can rely on Allah.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH
Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Trust Allah

and nothing can go wrong

Never stress on what you can’t control, and never worry about what isn’t yours. Because Allah knows best for you.

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH

Faith is trusting ALLAH even when you don’t understand HIS plan.

There are no sad endings for those who Trust ALLAH

Islamic Quotes about Trust in ALLAH


to open the right door for you at the right time

When you believe that ALLAH stands with you, then it does not matter who stands against you.

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