
The Virtue Of Saying “La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah”

La hawla wala quwwata illa billaah

(There is no might and power but that of Allah).

Daily Adhkar’ which gives guidance on how to remember Allah in the manner shown to us by our beloved Messenger SallAllahu ‘Alayhi Wasallam. Daily adhkar help you to reaffirm your tawhid daily and keep you close to Allah. The Sunnah adhkar (in particular, the morning and evening) will protect you from harm, illnesses, anxiety, grief, depression, devils, evil eye and magic. You will get peace and contentment in your life, and have more resolve to deal with difficulties. Here are Some Hadeeths were narrated on the virtue of saying “La hawla wala quwwata illa billaah (There is no might and power but that of Allah).

The Messenger Of Allah (PBUH) Said To Me, “Shall I Not Guide You To A Treasure From The Treasures Of Jannah?” I Said: “Yes, O Messenger Of Allah!” Thereupon He (PBUH) Said, “(Recite) (La Hawla Wala Quwwata Illa Billah) There Is No Change Of A Condition Nor Power Except By Allah.”

 [Al-Bukhari And Muslim].


“The Messenger Of Allah (PBUH) Said To Me: ‘Be Frequent In Saying: “There Is No Might Or Power Except By Allah, (Lā Ḥawla Wa Lā Quwwata Illā Billāh).” For Verily, It Is A Treasure From The Treasures Of Paradise.’” 

[At-Tirmidhi], Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani).


The Messenger Of Allah (PBUH) Said: “Increase Ghars Al Jannah (Planting Paradise) With Its Fresh Water And Pure Land By Repeating “There Is No Power Or Might But With Allah.”

[At-Tabarani], Grade: Hasan (Al-Albani).


Qais bin Sa`d bin `Ubadah narrated :

That His Father Offered Him To The Prophet (PBUH) To Serve Him. He Said: “So The Prophet (PBUH) Passed By Me, And I Had Just Performed Salat, So He Poked Me With His Foot And Said: ‘Should I Not Direct You To A Gate From The Gates Of Paradise?’ I Said: ‘Of Course.’ He (PBUH) Said: ‘There Is No Might Or Power Except With Allah (Lā Ḥawla Wa Lā Quwwata Illā Billāh).’”

 [At-Tirmidhi], Grade: Sahih (Al-Albani).

The messenger of Allah – ﷺ – said:

Be plentiful in sowing the seeds of paradise, for indeed its water is sweet and fresh, and its soil is good, thus be plentiful in planting it’s seedlings ‘Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh’‘.[Collected by At Tabaraani in ‘Al Mu’jam Al kabeer’ (13354) and declared ‘Hasan’ by Shaikh Al Albaani in Saheehul Jaami’ (1213)]

Ibn Mas’ood from the Messenger ﷺ who said:


When it was the night that I went upon the night journey I met Ibraheem in the seventh heaven- who said to me: “Oh Muhammad! Convey my salaams to your Ummah and inform them that the soil of Jannah is good and its water is sweet and fresh and it is ‘Qee’aan’ (i.e. a beautiful open plain, perfect for cultivating) and that it is cultivated with: ‘Subhaan Allah’ and ‘Al Hamdullillah’ and ‘Laa illaaha illa llah’ and ‘Lā ḥawla wa lā quwwata illā billāh’. 

[Collected by At Tabaraani in ‘Al Mu’jam al Kabeer’ and declared ‘Hasan’ by  Shaikh Al Al baani in Saheehul Jaami’]

Source: islamicreminder.org, alfdael.com


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