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Islamic Life Quotes – Inspirational and Islamic Motivational Life Quotes

Islamic Life Quotes – Inspirational and Motivational Islamic Life Quotes


Whether you are going through tough challenges or you simply want a daily dose of inspiration. Some of the best inspirational Islamic life quotes to inspire you. Find hope in times of darkness and remind us all that success us only around the corner for us.


Islamic Life Quotes - Inspirational and Motivational Islamic Life Quotes


Be good to others, that will protect you against evil.

– Islamic Life Quote




A person does not have an understanding of the religion of Islam

until he thinks of a hardship as being a blessing, and comfort and luxury as being a tribulation.

– Islamic Life Quote



Islamic Life Quotes


Do not sell your conscience for anything but Jannah.

– Islamic Life Quotes




Truth lifts the heart like water refreshes thirst.

– Islamic Life Quotes



Islamic Life Quotes


The world is but a moment, so make it a moment of obedience.

– Islamic Life Quotes



Every soul shall taste death… (Quran 3:185)

– Islamic Life Quote



Islamic Life Quotes


When love of this world enters the heart, the fear of the Hereafter exits from it.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Knowledge is not what is memorized. Knowledge is what benefits.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Knowledge is the life of the mind.

– Islamic Life Quote




Know that you cannot love Allah until you love obeying Him!

– Islamic Life Quote

25+ Islamic Quotes On Jannah | Jannah (Paradise) Quotes with Images

50+ Beautiful Hijab Quotes and Sayings for Muslim Women


Islamic Life Quotes


The Bravest heart is the one that stays close to ‘ALLAH’, even when it’s in pain.

– Islamic Life Quote



Islamic Life Quotes


ALLAH knows and that’s enough for me.

— Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Tears are prayer too, they travel to ALLAH when we can’t speak.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Don’t be sad ALLAH is with you.

– Islamic Life Quote




At the end you will come to realize that it is only ALLAH who kept his promise.

– Islamic Life Quote




Nothing in this world is permanent.

– Islamic Life Quote




When your heart is hurting… ‘PRAY

– Islamic Life Quote




ALLAH is never late. Have Patience. Have Faith

– Islamic Life Quote



Islamic Life Quotes


ALLAH is enough.

– Islamic Life Quote



Islamic Life Quotes


The dua on your tongue tells about the love in your secret.

– Islamic Life Quote



ALLAH knows everything.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


The best beauty, is beautiful manners.

– Islamic Life Quote




OH ALLAH, Fix my heart.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Jannah is full of sinners who repent.

– Islamic Life Quote


Islamic Life Quotes


Honesty saves you, even if you fear it.

– Islamic Life Quotes



Islamic faith serves as a guiding light to our Muslim brothers and sisters,

and we hope these motivational messages gives you comfort during times of test.

Allah knows the best!


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